When things feel overwhelming and wobbly
There’s a lot going on, even if it doesn’t look that way. Your brain has a lot to process right now, a lot of which is uncertainty and worry. Feeling a bit overwhelmed is normal right now.
Try some simple mindfulness activities to bring yourself back into the present moment (our worries are often about the future - things that haven’t even happened… weird huh?). Feel your feet on the floor, the sun or breeze on your face, notice what you can hear and smell. Just be still and notice things in the present moment.
Going outside is great to bring you into the present moment and has super wellbeing effects!
It’s also great to think about your strengths and how they can help you get through.
Find Your Strengths is an activity that will walk you and your tamariki through a scientifically-based quiz that tells you your 24 strengths, in order. It means you can have these to draw upon during challenging times, and you get a wee self-esteem boost. Knowing your strengths is a great way to face challenges.